Book One of The Oxford Chronicles

New edition: July 5, 2022 | Freiling Publishing
ISBN: 978-1956267662
It’s 1964 and young American Kate Hughes anticipates finding knowledge—and perhaps love—at
Oxford University. She discovers possibilities in David MacKenzie, a young lecturer who carries on
the legacy of his friend and mentor, C.S. Lewis. But conflict arises when she also catches the eye of
the dashing Lord Stuart Devereux. Kate’s heart is torn between the two men, and her convictions are
challenged as her vulnerability draws her to a rendezvous she may regret.
Sprinkled with allusions to classic English literature, references to C.S. Lewis, and an appearance
from Professor J.R.R. Tolkien himself, this wonderful first novel unfolds with grace into an
endearing story that will delight both devotees of The Inklings and readers of romance.
The Harvest House edition of Inklings contains the original novel and an all–new sequel titled
A Word from the Author
“Challenged with setting a novel in Oxford involving the great Christian authors C.S. Lewis and
J.R.R. Tolkien, I envisioned fictional characters of the next generation who could tell these writers’
stories with fresh voices. Before I knew it, my characters David and Kate were heading toward
romance with all its joys and complications. I hope their story will not only entertain and enlighten
my readers with the rich spiritual, historical, and literary world of Oxford and theInklings, but will
also inspire them with its clear call to purity and commitment in love and courtship.”
--Melanie M. Jeschke, author of Inklings
Editorial Reviews
“Inklings, by first–time author Melanie Jeschke, is a novel set in Oxford in 1964. It combines
romance, biography, and a love for C.S. Lewis. Although the book starts on the day of his funeral,
Lewis is the central character, with his memory hovering over Oxford, drawing earnest admirers to
the ancient university, and awakening in them a desire to follow in his Christian footsteps. Lewis
inspires a young Oxford don to start a new Inklings group, where current students can come
together for Christian community as they discuss literature, especially the works of the original
Inklings. Of course, there is romance, but unlike a typical contemporary romance, the characters are
determined to seek God’s will for their lives and maintain their purity. Educational side benefits of
this engaging first novel, meant to be the first in a series: lots of details about Lewis’s life and works,
and even some intelligent discussion of Christian themes in Shakespeare.”
—World Magazine
“Melanie Jeschke has a writing career sure to last a long time if her debut novel is any indication.
Inklings is a romance with so much more than just fluff; it also educates its reader on the lives of
classic literary giants such as C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Set in 1964 shortly after C.S. Lewis’s
death, it combines fact and fiction so well, the reader will truly believe the hero actually did know
Lewis in real life. Come take a tour of Cambridge and Oxford with Kate and David as your tour
guides and sit in on some meetings of the Inklings; it is truly an amazing adventure!”
“First–time author, Melanie M. Jeschke has written a beautifully readable book, filled with literary
allusions and the essence of spirituality. Inklingsis clearly the start of what will be a luminous writing
career for Melanie Jeschke.”
—The Romance Readers Connection
“For romance lovers out there this is the book for you.”
—Teens4Jesus Library